Imperfect Pixels in St. Louis
As we look ahead to the next destination for Imperfect Pixels, here are some examples of press from November 2020 through January 2021 in St. Louis at the Angad Arts Hotel.
“The media, and social media especially, says Sheridan, distorts them after death in its echo chamber, its digital game of Telephone. If a person gets branded a thug, he says, it’s a simple matter to find a picture—a single image, a split-second moment out of a whole life—that reinforces the designation and then share that image over and over until it becomes a distorted avatar for an entire human being. Can a single photo capture Michael Brown’s life, or Breonna Taylor’s, or George Floyd’s, or anyone on the sadly ever-increasing list?”
From St. Louis Magazine: “See this now: 'Black Nonpareil' and 'Imperfect Pixels' at the Angad Arts Hotel” [LINK] 11 November 2020
“Sheridan’s Imperfect Pixels is featured on the first floor. Imperfect Pixels is an interactive exhibit that addresses the tragic deaths of Black individuals in the United States.
Imperfect Pixels warps and alters images of victims of police brutality. Only patrons who stop to view the work through a glass orb will see the clear photo.“
Sheridan asks viewers to pause and reflect on these individuals’ lives.”
From Webster Journal: “Art exhibits give back to Black creatives“ 20 January 2021 [LINK]
“In order to deal with a chaotic year, Travis Sheridan directed one of his favorite maxim's regarding entrepreneurship towards mental health and his own ability to make sense of the world through his own art: ‘Use Capacity to Build Capacity.’"
From Entrepreneur Quarterly: “Art From Black Artists in St. Louis On Display Every Day This Week, Including Local Entrepreneur’s First Solo Exhibition” [Link]