Art & Conversations…
Imperfect Pixels is meant to drive conversation, because conversation drives understanding, and understand can drive change. The goal was to look at Art as it intersects with other disciplines and sectors. Below are the first three conversations, which were held virtually due to COVID. Future sessions will take the form of in-person fireside conversations with the option to tune in virtually. Save the dates:
Art & Justice (7/8/2021) - Tonoa Manuel and Barry Overton
Art & Economy (7/29/2021) - Jice Johnson and Brandolon Barrett
Art & Politics (8/19/2021) - Gloria “Glo” Prioleau and Regina Jackson
Art & Justice
The Power of Activism
Today’s social challenges are not going to be solved with yesterday’s interventions. Just as an artist asks a viewer to see with new eyes, activists push us to consider new perspectives, recognize the problems with the status quo, and work to create a new reality.
During this session, Travis interviewed De Nichols and discuss her work as an activist. Throughout the discussion, connections were made between art and activism. In the end, viewers were challenged to create change.
Art & Economy
The Power of Independence
It is difficult to shift between the art of business and the business of art, but when that balance exists, the economy grows...as can personal wealth. Due to several factors, the Black community has struggled to create generational wealth and the gap continues to grow. However, there are entrepreneurs who are building businesses and artists who are earning livings through independent efforts.
During this session, Travis interviewed Darren Jackson and talked about his creative approach to building a business and partnerships. More specifically, the discussion focused on his aspirations for the enterprise and the steps he is taking to achieve those goals.
Art & Policy
The Power of Leadership
Is leadership an art or science? Given that Imperfect Pixels embraces both, it makes sense to look at leadership through different lenses. Civic leadership requires balancing a vision for what’s possible with the limitations of what’s probable. Somewhere in the middle is effective leadership -- an ability to influence others toward a common goal.
Travis interviews Tishaura Jones and digs into the work she’s done as an elected leader. The discussion explores creative problem solving, the importance of shifting perspectives, and creating sound policy that allows visions to manifest into a functioning system for all.