Travis Sheridan has spent his career as a community designer. In various professional and personal roles, he’s focused on creating environments that stimulate thinking, engagement, and capacity building. While this is often manifested in the creation of physical spaces, he uses art to accomplish similar goals.
Trained in psychology and conflict resolution, Travis focuses on people’s relationship to the world and the world’s relationship to people -- peace cannot exist without understanding and most conflicts are a result of a gap between expectations and reality. His art practice has included both performing arts and visual arts. As an active member of the innovation community, Travis is fascinated by finding ways to use technology to produce analog experiential art and momentarily create a gap between what is expected and what is real. Travis is skilled at initiating constructive conflict, offering a chance at deeper understanding, and allowing people to find a new kind of peace.
Travis is originally from California, but has lived in St Louis since 2012. He is the proud designer and owner of the first shipping container house in the City of St Louis and calls Old North St Louis home.