Call for Leaders
[Webinar] CAPACITY BUILDS CAPACITY: The Intersection of Art, Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Justice
After a wave of protests around the globe last year, many corporations and CEOs responded with carefully crafted statements. Many activists and civic leaders are still wondering what’s next.
Many activists and communities are still asking, "What's beyond the statement?"
As the Imperfect Pixels exhibit travels to Denver, artist Travis Sheridan would like to meet with local corporate and civic leaders to explore the intersection of art, corporate social responsibility and social justice.
Join us on Thursday, May 6, 2021 (1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST) for a free webinar as we consider ways that art and corporate/civic leadership can create mechanisms to support organizations in social justice and racial equity.
The Imperfect Pixels exhibit contributes 25% of art sales to local organizations working to improve racial equity and social justice in each host city.
The artist would like input from local leaders to better understand the local landscape and help identify organizations his work can support. His theory is that capacity builds capacity and the main mission of this exhibit is to explore the intersection of art, corporate social responsibility, and social justice.
Ideal Attendees:
Leaders responsible for corporate social responsibility
Civic leaders interested in social justice
The artist will facilitate a 60-min interactive online discussion that covers the following:
Overview of Imperfect Pixels
Why this Exhibit Fits in Denver
Discussion Denver’s Social Justice Landscape
Capacity Builds Capacity - Explore Local Orgs
Date/Time: Thursday, May 6, 2021 (1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST)
Cost: Free and open to the public